selling a bouquet from the traitor
I happened to come across a video on TikTok where a girl shared photos of herself with gorgeous bouquets, captioning them with stories of how she got - for cheating and abuse. This prompted me to create an art object out of 101 bottles, reflecting my own experiences with domestic violence and alcoholism, my sister in 2010x was posting aesthetic photos on vkontakte while the nightmare was going on at home and the contrast struck a chord with little me.
Glamor and photos of lavish bouquets accompanied by stories of betrayal and violence are linked through the contrast between external glitz and internal pain. Such images create an idealized lifestyle that is the envy of others, but this external well-being often hides tragic and painful stories.
Glamour becomes a mode of self-expression and a social game where external trappings (in this case bouquets) symbolize status, success and attractiveness. However, the signed stories emphasize that this glamour can be built on experience, suffering, or even violence, opening up a dialogue about how appearances and inner experiences can be contradictory. In this way, glamor connects social norms and personal dramas, forcing us to consider the real cost of this image.
In addition, alcohol use in Russia is often the cause of criminalized forms of domestic violence.An article published in the Journal of Family Violence (1997) indicates that among men who commit spousal homicide, 60-75% of perpetrators had consumed alcohol before the incident (based on 1991 data)